Friday, October 15, 2010

Meet Lemur and her Partners in Crime


Since I was old enough to hold a pen, I've felt naked without one. Writing is my passion, my dream and one of my major reasons for living. Next to my husband, my critters and my mom, my typewriter is my best friend. I've been writing since I was eight years old and I'm on the far side of forty-something now. Published a few times in magazines and a how-to book, but I'm still working on the Great Novel.

Right now I'm working on a few novels. The most pressing one at the moment of them is a fantasy (elves, magic and such) novel which seems to be heading for the teen market. I've also got a couple darker fantasy novels in the works. LOL one of them is definitely not for teens since it starts with a ritual sacrifice. The other is a fantasy/romance. Then I have a science-fiction novel that I started when I was fourteen, and which I haven't worked on in a long time, but I'm starting to see how I can still use parts of it. I also have a mystery or two on the backburner. I've got a few magazine articles here and there. Some profiles of other artists, some related to Dungeons and Dragons (one of my hobbies), and a few others.  As if that wasn't enough I'm working on at least 2 cookbooks, since besides writing, cooking is one of my favorite things to do.

The CRITTER Project is my other blog, where I'll discuss the perils of moving to a farm the middle of nowhere with 4 cats a dog and three yaks (so far).  This blog is just for us Writers. Pull up a cozy chair, grab yourself a cup of tea or your other beverage of choice and lets play with words.

And Friends...


Born near the end of WW II, the child of radical left politicos, Singe has always felt on the cutting edge of history. When a log thrown onto a fire gave her a sudden haircut, she took that name.

She started writing in the fifth grade, and has not stopped. Her passions are her family, friends, keeping communication open, and writing, mostly fiction. Wielding her video camera, she has documented road trips, performances, political actions, and written scenes performed by local artists. Having published a couple of books of poetry and short fiction, a few in magazines, she is now working on a memoir and a novel that takes place in the nineteenth century.

She lives with her husband who turned his love of books into an online antiquarian book store in their home. She adores cats but refrains being owned by any, knowing felines would tear apart the books.


  1. Hello! Thanks for commenting on my blog. I love writing too, as you can probably see from my profile. I wonder, what kind of writing do you do?
    I've loved writing since I was in fifth grade, about six years ago!

  2. Mis Morbid, thanks for pointing out that I haven't gotten around to mentioning what kind of writing I do. I'll go right back to my profile and fix that!
